Nederlandse Schapendoes - Årets uppfödare 2017 & 2018 & 2023
Twinflowers Summer Wahatoya
(born 12 march 2019)
Swedish and Danish Champion,
Best bitch Clubshow Sweden 2023
Best female in Sweden year 2023
Second best female in Sweden year 2022.
Second best bitch Clubshow Sweden 2022
Second Best bitch Clubshow Germany 2022
Best Puppy Clubshow Netherlands 2019
Hips: A/A
Elbows: 1/0
Eyes: Both parents gPRA ++
ECVO: Clear
Approved for breeding by the Dutch breeding Committee
Mental test
Twinflowers Baco Agathe Incarnata
(born 20 October 2021)
Swedish Champion
Severel CAC and Reserv-CAC
BIS Puppy:
German Clubshow 2022 and Midsummer show 2022
SKK NORDIC Show in Norrköping 2022
And several more BIS- Puppy
Hips: B/A
Elbows: 0/0
Mental test
Approved for breeding
Offspring: Not yet
Twinflowers Constance Spry
(born 10 April 2018)
Swedish, Danish Champion
Second best bitch Midsommershow Gemany 2022
Hips: B
Elbows: 0
Eyes: gPRA free due to birth , ECVO clear
Mental test
One litter with By Frost Bacio borned October 2021, 7 puppies
One litter June 2023, with Twinflowers Summer Trolliifolium 7 puppies
Twinflowers Summer Sizzler Az Tobi
(born 13 Aug 2014)
Swedish, Finnish, Danish and German Champion,
Nordic, European, German and Copenhagen juniorwinner
Second best female in Sweden year 2016 and 2017.
Hips: A
Elbows: 0
Eyes: not carrier
ECVO: clear
Approved for breeding by the Dutch breeding Committee
One litter in 2019 with NL CH Mien MoatSimmer v Elsan's Nust (The Netherlands)
One litter in 2020 with NL CH DK UCH Fanica Flotte Willebaz Frodo (Denmark)
Twinflowers T Lekkerbekkie
(8 April 2012 - 31 March 2024)
International, Swedish, Finnish, Polish Champion
Hips: A
Elbows: 0
Eyes: gPRA ++, ECVO clear
Approved for breeding by the Dutch breeding Committee
Offspring: One litter 2018 with CH Aljoscha v Herthasee (Germany)
Excerno Kachina Does
(15 Nov 2011 - 31 oct 2023)
Hips: B
Elbows: 0
Eyes: gPRA ++ , ECVO clear
Approved for breeding by the Dutch breeding Committee
Two litters, One with Amadeus v d Schaope Dobbe (The Netherlands) and one with Christóbal Protector del Rebaño (Germany)
Best breeding female in Sweden year 2015 and 2016 and 2017. Number three in year 2014.
Picture: Katarina Hansson
Twinflowers Bon Chi van Leile
(born 10 May 2013)
International, Swedish, Danish, German and Norwegian Champion
Bundessieger 2015
Rally Title N
Best female in Sweden year 2015 and 2017. Number third in year 2014.
Hips: B
Ellbows: 0
Eyes: gPRA +- , ECVO clear
Approved for breeding by the Dutch breeding Committee
One litter in 2016 with CH I'm MacIntosh van Schleefkens (Germany)
One litter in 2019 with CH Chappers Eyes on Me
Lives with Katarina Hansson in Gislaved
Picture: Katarina Hansson
Twinflowers McMeya Royalstar Rouge
(born 15 April 2016)
Hips: A
Elbows: 0
Eyes: gPRA +/- ECVO: clear
Made some shows with CAC and R-CAC.
One litter in 2021, two female puppies. Father Twinflowers Sir John Betjeman.
Lives with Katarina Hansson in Gislaved
Excerno Selphie Tilmitt (18 Oct 2004 - 31 January 2019)
Swedish, Danish, Finnish Champion
Obedience and Rally Titles
Excerno Chitsa Does (29 Nov 2005 - 27 july 2020)
International, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian Champion
Second best female in Sweden year 2014
Best veteran 2014.
Hips: B
Elbows: 0
Eyes: gPRA ++
Approved for breeding by the Dutch breeding Committee
One litter at kennel Excerno with Ubbe Silhouette v h Molengat
One litter with us with CH Nilo Silhouette v h Molengat